With this converter, the dose area product (DAP) can be converted into corresponding values expressed by other units. Use other tool for DAP to effective dose (mSv) conversion. (something else - check new tool: flight radiation calculator ) Note: use point in stead of comma as a decimal separator. DAP unit converter Type a value in the DAP field to convert to DAP in other units: DAP From mGy.cm2 cGy.cm2 dGy.cm2 Gy.cm2 uGy.m2 mGy.m2 Gy.m2 To mGy.cm2 cGy.cm2 dGy.cm2 Gy.cm2 uGy.m2 Gy.m2 Result DAP Calculator developed for Blogger platform by Dr.Wizard . Simple example with respect to unit conversions: When converting from Gy.cm2 to µGy.m2 the following reasoning can be followed: 1 Gy = 1,000,...
Online Calculators and Converters for doses, units, quantities..