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Flight Radiation Calculator

Flight Radiation Dose Calculator

Welcome to our simple and effective radiation dose calculator! Use this tool to quickly determine the Effective Dose (mSv) you receive during a flight. Whether you’re curious about radiation on a short domestic trip or a long-haul international flight, our calculator has you covered.

How to Use

Enter a value in the 'Flight Time (hours)' field to calculate the effective dose in millisieverts (mSv). Our calculator uses an average radiation dose of 0.004 mSv per hour, based on data from Wikipedia.

For example: A 7-hour flight results in a dose of 0.028 mSv.

More Information About Flight Radiation

Where Does the Radiation Come From?

The radiation you are exposed to during a flight primarily comes from cosmic radiation, which becomes more intense as you fly higher. At typical cruising altitudes of 30,000-35,000 feet, the atmosphere provides much less shielding against this radiation.

How Much Radiation Do You Get?

  • A 1-hour flight typically delivers 0.003-0.004 mSv, far exceeding the radiation from a typical airport security scan (usually 0.02 μSv).
  • Compare this to other radiation sources:
    • 100 μSv: A chest X-ray.
    • 1.5-1.7 mSv per year: Average annual dose for flight attendants.
    • 6.2 mSv per year: Average annual radiation exposure for U.S. residents.

What Does This Mean for Your Health?

Experts agree that the radiation dose from flying is too small to pose health risks for most people. For perspective, a 1 mSv dose increases your estimated cancer risk by only 0.005%.

Comparing Radiation Exposure

Radiation is everywhere, even on the ground. Without flying, you’re exposed to natural radiation from sources such as the Earth’s minerals and cosmic rays. For example:

  • 0.26 mSv annually: Average dose at sea level.
  • 0.90 mSv annually: On the Colorado Plateau in the U.S.


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